This can mean changing the color of only one part of the tile or the entire thing (such as the bloom of a flower or the whole plant, leaves and all). A few things before we start:īasic Knowledge about tilesets: -Each tile is 32x32 pixels.

One tileset can hold the A1-5 tiles (the base tiles) and the B-E tiles (items, furniture, etc). They can be configured from the Database. The A tiles have their own rules, which I won’t cover here. If you’re unsure of how they work, try to simply replace the default tileset with what you want (water for water, walls for walls, grass for grass, etc). The B, C, D and E tile sheet are 512x512 pixels each, while the A tiles vary in size. The very first tile (upper left corner) in the B tile sheet is the “nothing” tile and must be empty and with a *star* passability. Quick A tiles reminder: -A1 are animated autoriles (usually water). A2 are the “ground+ground decoration” autotiles. There is a specific setup to this sheet so be careful with it. The ceilings here can be used in any shape, unlike the A3 roofs. Unlike the rest of the A tiles, these can be configured with 4 directional passability. Now, for this you will need an image editing program. I will be using gimp because it’s the one I have and am used to, but any program that has a grid feature will do. Preparing the program: -Open the image editing program (I’ll be using Gimp). Either edit an existing tilese sheet or create a new image of 512*512 pixels (for the B-E tiles, remember A tiles have different sizes). Configure the image to show a 32*32 pixel grid with a snap to grid function. I won’t be fiddling with the A tiles except for recoloring the basic grass, since autotiles require some knowledge and I’m not here to explain that. What we will do is simple: create an edited tileset for a new area. I’ll be making a sample map of a shop in a forest so we can illustrate the change from the default to the new edited tileset. The very first thing you should think about: What are you doing? Even if for the purpose of this tutorial I’ll be editing almost all the pieces for the tileset, that doesn’t have to be what you do.

Maybe you simply need a few extras or adjustments to an existing tileset, in which case you may want to simply edit a tile sheet directly.